Hello everyone! The Taming Wolves website is now all done! Hooray! All of the pages are up and running. There may be some more polishing to be done, but it’s done for now!

What will we be doing now? Well, we are finally going to resume development on our 2d Platformer game! The game still doesn’t have a title yet. There are some names that I have in mind, but I don’t feel comfortable sharing it until I secure all relevant social media pages, domains, and steam store page. I don’t want to be in a situation where someone will steal my name and force me to change the name.

As of right now, the game is still early on in its development. I’m still planning out how the game will work and what features it will have. I still need to do a lot more pixel art, programming, music, and sounds. I don’t want to spam this blog with devlogs with little content, so if you want to see continuous updates, please follow us on Twitter. Our twitter is @Taming_Wolves. Once I feel there is enough content to talk about, I will post a devlog on here! Also, I will be posting devlog videos of the game. The videos will be posted on our YouTube channel. The link is posted in the header.

Well, that’s it for now. See you on the next post!